صفة ملكية : ينتمى إليك – يخصك
means belonging to you.
الصيغة المختصرة من you are
is the contracted form of 'you are'.
Are these smelly things your shoes?
You're going to have to get rid of these shoes, they're beyond repair.
صفة : مشمئز
reluctant or unwilling
فعل : يمقت أو يكره
to hate or detest.
I am loath to finish this report; I am uninterested in the subject.
I loathe this room; the wallpaper will have to be changed.
Climax صفة : مصطلح له عبارة ب
قمة الأحداث و خاصة فى الدراما
relating to or resulting in a climax.
صفة : له علاقة بالطقس
relating to the climate.
The war was described as a climactic event.
While planning the voyage, he paid close attention to the climatic conditions.
صفة : تابع
relying on or requiring the aid of another.
صفة : معال – يعتمد على غيره خاصة فيما يتعلق بالنواحى المادية
one who relies on another especially for financial support.
I am dependent on my supervisor for some good advice.
He wanted to emigrate with his wife and all his dependants.
اسم : مجلس – جمعية مجموعة من الناس
an assembly or collection of persons
فعل: يعطى النصيحة أو يسدى بالرأى و المشورة
(to give) advice, opinions or advice.
He was elected to represent his class on the school council.
I would counsel you to pay the fine and draw a line under the matter.
أسم : ينطق بوحى من الله
to reveal by divine inspiration.
نبوءة من نبى أو رسول
an inspired utterance of a prophet.
The mystic used to sit beneath the waterfall and prophesy.
He would sit next to the waterfall and deliver his prophecy.
اسم : ثابت مستقر
not moving.
اسم : الاحتياجات – التموين
office supplies.
The broken down car was stationary.
Finding he had run out of pencils, Mr Bush ordered more stationery
صفة : ذو علاقة بالاقتصاد
of or relating to the economy.
صفة : مقتصد أو مدبر
thrifty and prudent in management.
The country was experiencing a period of sustained economic growth.
The minister was accused of being somewhat economical with the truth